Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Smaskens, Erin Jane Nelson

She started a blog, Smaskens.

"I'm just out to learn how to cook really amazing fresh things in the country most notorious for awful bland food, most of which is dried or frozen before eating. Someone told me today that Swede's catch fish here, ship them to China to have them filleted and then ship them back."

Add something to your Google Reader you actually care about. No one needs anymore disgustingly professional and formal reviews of books, galleries or artists websites. That shit is typically exhausted, boring, stressfully formal and mundane. Let's gather ourselves and proceed in the forward direction of enjoying ourselves and filing ourselves with knowledge besides photo and art related readings. I only say this because maybe a food blog would be a good start.


1 comment:

Robbie Brannigan said...

I'm so into food right now.