Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Obsession With Achievement

"Locked into the wonderful image of himself he has created, he quickly becomes a prisoner of the way others see him. In spite of his geniune accoplishments, he still has doubts about his masculine identity, and these doubts send him on a frantic quest for recognition. Unless he finds a significant father figure who can confirm him as a man- and this does occasionally happen- he will spend his whole life searching for his sense of identity. He will try to find it on the outside, in the eyes of others, because within him there is only emptiness and insecurity."

Guy Corneau. Absent Fathers, Lost Sons.

(research for social problems in american society paper on fatherless homes. fueled by the great lake swimmers at this point in time.)


Robbie Brannigan said...
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Robbie Brannigan said...
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Robbie Brannigan said...

This is interesting. I'd like to read what you've written.